Some of the main issues and what you should do about them
The earth’s resources are being consumed at an alarming rate, and their air pollution is one of the greatest environment health risks worldwide, according to the United Nations Environment Program.
In addition to changing the world’s oceans, ecosystems and forests, environmental trends are also influencing human health and wellness. Here are some of the most common ways that your health impacts the world and what you can do about it.
Heart problem because of air pollution
Air pollution can interfere with heart health, cause heart attacks, stroke or an abnormal heart rhythm according ti the Environmental Protection Agency. The risk is extremely high if you already have cardiac issues or an elevated risk for these conditions.
What should you do ?
Keep tabs on air quality forecasts to protect your health, and schedule indoor activities when pollution levels are higher. To avoid industrial areas and busy roads when walking or jogging outside. You can also reduce the overall risk of heart disease by consistently doing exercise and adding nutritious food to the diet.
Air pollution & asthma
America’s Asthma and Allergy Foundation believes air pollution is a cause for asthmatics and can aggravate the symptoms. Ozone is one of the most common air pollutants which usually increases in the summer months. One is airbone particles present in objects such as smoke and dust that can cause hay fever too.
What should you do ?
On humid, smoggy days, suggest going indoors, or exercising, activities outside. If you feel overexerted, listen to your body and do something less painful. Stop using scented candles or fragrant scents for indoor air pollution, invest in a dehumidifier if you live in a humid environment, and eliminate dust and dust mites by washing pillows and other items you never think you should vacuum.
Air pollution and COPD
Chronic obstrucitve pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung condition that causes the airways in your lungs to thicken and become inflamed. COPD is also the product of smoking cigarettes, a habit which can lead to cancer as well.
Long-term exposure to air pollution, smoke, and dusts also important risk factors for COPD however, if you already suffer from the disease, the symptoms will get worse with air pollutants.
What should you do ?
Restore your home smoke-free and prevent exposure to second-hand smoke. Be mindful of other indoor contaminants such as mould, pet dander and wood burning pollution, all of which can cause breathing problems and chronic lung diseases. Install alarms for carbon monoxide, get your house checked for radon and keep an eye out for any home errors that might make you sick.
Chemicals for customers
An increasing amount of everyday items contain chemicals that can put your health at risk and cause long-term harm. According to the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health ( C-CHANGE ) Center for Climate, Health and Global Environment, products like plastics and stain-repellent coatings are made from molecules that don’t degrade, and once they’re in the atmosphere or your body, they never go. These chemicals have been related to everything from infectious diseases and issue with fertility to reducing the efficacy of the vaccines in the children.
What should you do ?
Although preventing any chemicals that pose a danger is nearly impossible, the San Francisco University of California’s Reproductive Health and Environment Program provides some guidelines about how to reduce the risk. Look fir non-toxic goods for personal care, use fewer plastics, buy products for home cleaning & improvement that do not contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), avoid pesticles and Herbicides, and non-toxic cleaning materials.
Allergies and climate change
If you’re one of the US’s 50 million allergy sufferers, you probably already know which hypoallergenic dog breeds won’t make you sneeze or which allergy-friendly chain restaurants are.
What you probably don’t know is that climate change could be part of the problem. Less frost and warmer air temperature can result in increased airbone pollen production, and excessive rainfall can lead to increased indoor mould and fungus which can exacerbate respiratory and asthma conditions.
What should you do ?
Allergy symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and running nose can be treated with decongestants and antihistamines, allergy shots, and all allergy prescription drugs. You can also do your part by reducing the energy usage in your house, walking or riding a bike instead of driving and avoiding burning firewood and garbage, both sources of particulate matter.
Climate change and drought
According to the Council for the Protection of Natural Resources, as the earth’s temperature increases, the world’s wet regions become wetter and dry regions like the Mediterranean and the US. Southwestern is getting drier. While droughts are a normal natural phenomenon, they are a devastating disaster for the area and affect the protection and health of the people. Drought-induced economic losses can lead to anxiety or depression.
What should you do ?
Drinking enough water is vital for your health but storing it during a drought can help to lessen the environmental impact. If water is in short supply, ways to cut back include minimising watering of lawns and outdoor plants, checking for leaky faucets and toilets in your house, and using water-saving devices on showerheads.
Climate change and extreme heat
Unusually hot summer temperatures have risen in the US in recent decades, according to the EPA, with extreme heat events predicted to become more severe and frequent in the future. Exposure can cause heat exhaustion. Hot temperatures also to strokes, heart attacks and cardiovascular disease in other ways.
What should you do ?
Avoid strenuous activities during periods of excessive or prolonged heat, watch for symptoms of heat disease, drink water even if you’re not thirsty, and check on neighbours and family members. Find places in your community where you can cool down and keep your home cool by covering windows with shades or drapes, if you don’t have access to air conditioning.
Climate change and harsh winter conditions
People sometimes invoke snowy, cold winters because of a lack of global warming, when it’s just the opposite actually. If the world warms, more water evaporates into the atmosphere, resulting in heightened snowfall and winter storms. Hundreds of thousands in incidents are caused every year by snow and ice covered roads and harsh winter weather can affect anything from your skin to cardiovascular disease.
What should you do ?
Take regular breaks while shovelling snow, to prevent overpowering your heart. Do not drink alcohol before or after shovelling, since it can mask the pressure in which your body is. Evite drivin during inclement weather, if necessary. Know the rules of the road when you decide to heat out. Make sure your tyres are inflated properly, keep the gas tank half full and do not use slippery surface cruise control.
Climate change and floods
Crazy weather patterns and spike in heavy precipitation accorss the U.S resulted in extreme flooding in different regions of the world. Floods are the second-dealieast weather-related danger after extreme heat which causes nearly 100 deaths each year. Even after water recedes, mould and other residual pollutants can lead to problems with the indoor air quality and other health hazards.
What should you do ?
know the risks of flooding in your town, never try walking, driving or swimming in floodwaters, and have a flood response plan in place before it happens. Wear gloves and boots during clean-up, and never touch wet electrical equipment while standing in water. To prevent mould growth, remove all wet products, use a bleach solution to clean all hard surface and ensure the dirtiest areas are provided.
Climate change and disease vectors
Disease vectors are species such as ticks and mosquitoes that can bear pathogens, potentially spreading them to humans during gardening or other outdoor activities. Climate change may influence where these vectors go, and as a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predict that they will migrate into new regions in the years to come. spreading diseases such as Lyme, dengue,
What should you do ?
To better protect yourself, begin by studying which particular vector-borne diseases are in your area. Use insect repellents which contain DEET and wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when hiking the trails or doing other outdoor activities.
Climate change and wildfires
Recent years have led to devastating wildfires and climate scientists have related the severity of those fires to increasing global temperatures. Wildfires can be dangerous to the lungs, releasing large quantities of explosive gases and contaminants into the air, particularly for older adults, children and people with conditions such as heart disease, asthma and COPD.
What should you do ?
It’s always a good idea to check air quality reports, especially if you have any uderlying conditions that might be impacted. Otherwise, during a wildfire, remain inside your home (unless you’re ordered to evacuate) and avoid breathing smoke or ash. Protect the air in your windows rolled up and vents closed if driving near or through smoky areas.
Climate change and food nutrition
According to C-CHANGE , increasing levels of human-caused carbon dioxide will make crops such as rice and wheat less nutritious by reducing zinc and iron levels. These nutrients are important to human health ti create haemoglobin, and help improve the immune system.
What should you do ?
By consuming less dairy and meat, you will increase your carbon footprint, as livestock is responsible for nearly 15 per cent of man-made greenhouse emissions. Buying organic and sustainable foods also diminishes the need for fossil fuel transport and use. Finally, recycle food waste instead of throwing it in the garbage, if you are able.
Pollution, and sanitation
Although the U.S. has one of the world’s best municipal drinking water sources, there’s always pollution. Water can become polluted by various things including chemicals such as radon, fertilisers and pesticides. Like some of the world’s most magnificent coral reefs, habitats are heavily affected and people are too, resulting in everything from gastrointestinal issues.
although the U.S has one of the world’s best municipal drinking water resources, there’s always pollution. Water can become polluted by various
What should you do ?
It is the EPA ‘s duty to ensure U.S. public water sources are secure. You can check the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), available for each state, if you are concerned about a public drinking water system. If you have a well, the CDC recommends checking it for pollutants every spring and ensuring there are no mechanical issues.
Air pollution and fossil fuels
One of the biggest causes of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas. The pollutants they release into the air can lead to any number of significant health concerns including heart attack, respiratory illnesses and stroke. According to C-CHANGE, the pollutants released by fossil fuels may also be linked to Alzheimer’s disease and autism.
What should you do ?
While fossil fuels make up much of the world’s electricity, there are still ways to cut back, helping to reduce the amount of air pollution. The use of energy-efficient appliances and cars, along with carpooling, can help with public transit, commuting or taking a walk outside instead of driving where possible.
Fossil fuels and mercury
Fish is healthy for you, which is why so many people want to take supplements made from fish oil. The American Heart Association suggests eating it with a hope at least twice a week-avoiding seafood with heavy contamination of mercury. Mercury, emitted by coal and gold mining, permeates the climate, including the ocean, and can contaminate fish.
What should you do ?
Feed a variety of fish to help mitigate potential environmental pollutant impacts. Stop eating fish which are known to have mercury levels like swordfish and king mackerel. Instead, switch them out for lower-mercury fish such as shrimp, salmon and canned tune, which is one of the best weight-loss foods among other items.